
The Importance of Content-Freshness in SEO

James Butschie

The Importance of Content-Freshness in SEO

Maintaining a website is a very hands on process, at the surface level it may seem like all you need to do is upload content to your webpage and let the internet take care of the rest. However, if you want your site to do well in search rankings, you must keep your website’s content fresh. Having up-to-date content is an important factor in maintaining and improving your website’s search engine rankings. When you update the content on your webpage, you give signals to search engines, like Google or Bing, that your site is active and provides up-to-date information, but it also provides your audience with the most current and accurate information available. This raises the questions like, how often should I update my website’s content? Or what role does content freshness play in SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? The answer to that question varies based on the nature of your website, your industry, and your content strategy. Updating your content regularly by posting new blogs, or adding new content to your old articles can significantly improve your SEO performance. 

What is SEO and Why is It Important for My Website?

Search Engine Optimization is the culmination of many factors that work together to enhance the rankings of your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) to attract more relevant traffic.  By optimizing various aspects of your website such as using relevant keywords, providing high quality content, site structure, and the use of backlinks, you boost the chances of your site appearing higher up in the search results page. SEO is important because higher rankings in search results will often lead to more organic traffic, which can bring in more leads, and conversions for your business.

Search engines like Google regularly update their algorithms to provide the best possible results to their users. This means that website owners must be aware and continuously adapting to changes in the algorithm to maintain or improve their rankings. A key aspect of this ongoing effort is keeping your content fresh and up-to-date, which can significantly impact your site’s SEO performance.

Does Content Freshness Impact SEO? 

Content freshness refers to how recently the content on your website was created or how recently it has been updated. Search engines prioritize new content over existing information  because they aim to deliver the most relevant and timely information to their users. Search engines use bots to crawl the web and index content, simply put these bots pull key information from your page and determine if it is relevant and should be shown on search pages. When you update your content regularly, it signals to the bots that your site is active, which leads them to crawl and re-index your pages more frequently. This can lead to faster updates to your site’s rankings based on the changes you make. Fresh content typically tends to be more engaging for users. Whether it’s a new blog post on a recent topic or an updated guide, content that reflects the latest trends, data, or best practices is more likely to attract and keep readers engaged. Higher user engagement can lead to improved metrics like time spent on site, decrease metrics like your bounce rate. 

Naturally overtime some content may become outdated or less relevant. By frequently updating your content you make sure that it continues to meet the needs of your target audience and remains in line with people’s search intent. Having up to date and relevant information on your pages can improve your rankings for targeted keywords. Regularly updating your content gives you an edge over competitors who may not be as diligent. If your site consistently provides fresh, and relevant content, it’s more likely to be favored by search engines over competitors with stale or outdated information.

How Often Should I Update My Content?

The answer to this question depends on several things such as your industry, the type of content you produce, and your audience’s expectations. However you should consider, if your website includes a blog, you should aim to publish a new post at least once a week. By regularly adding new content, you keep your site active and provide yourself with new opportunities to rank for different keywords. Additionally, consider revisiting and updating older blog posts every six to twelve months, especially if they cover evergreen topics that remain relevant over time. Evergreen content includes posts such as how-to guides, or reference materials, this is information that will stay useful overtime. These pages should be reviewed and updated at least once a year. While this content is designed to remain relevant over an extended period of time, periodic updates make sure that it continues to reflect the latest best practices and information and allows for search engines to recrawl your page and pull new information. For e-commerce sites, product pages should be updated as frequently as necessary to reflect changes or updates in the product. This includes adding new products, updating descriptions, and making sure that that pricing and availability information is accurate. Regular updates can help improve rankings for product-related keywords and prevents your customers from interacting with outdated or irrelevant information or products. 

If your site offers services and features service pages, review these pages at least once a quarter to ensure the information is current. This might involve updating service descriptions, adding case studies, or changing your calls to action (CTAs) based on which CTA’s have led to higher conversions. If you use landing pages for marketing campaigns, these should be updated when new information is added to the campaign or whenever a campaign ends. Refreshing landing pages can improve conversion rates and keep your content aligned with your current marketing goals.

Strategies for Keeping Your Content Fresh

Keeping your content fresh doesn’t need to be a time-consuming or overwhelming process. Here are some strategies to help you maintain content freshness efficiently. Conduct regular content audits to identify which pieces of content need updating. An audit involves reviewing your existing content to assess its performance, relevance, and accuracy. Based on the audit results, you can prioritize updates for any content that may be underperforming or outdated.  Beyond just updating information, you could consider improving the overall quality of your content. This might involve improving the readability, or adding visuals or other multimedia elements to the page. If you have older content that performed well in the past but seems to have lost its relevance, consider repurposing it. This could involve updating the information, changing the format, or combining multiple posts into a comprehensive guide.

Keeping your keywords up to date is vital in remaining relevant on the search engine results page. Search trends and user intent change over time as users and their needs change. You should periodically review the keywords you’re targeting and update your content to better align with current consumer search behavior. This process involves adding new keywords, adjusting existing ones, or optimizing your page for voice search. If your site’s content includes data, statistics, or industry insights, ensure that this information is up-to-date, providing outdated data will not only give your site an outdated appearance but also can spread misinformation. Adding new data points or insights can enhance the value of your content and make it more relevant to your audience. It is also important to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing with their content. You may notice that they’ve updated or added new content on a topic you cover, consider how you can improve your own content to stay competitive.

About us

At Simple SEO Group we have delivered results driven online marketing and web development services since 2008. We serve clients from small and mid-sized businesses to fortune 1000 companies alike. To date we have helped over 400 brands improve their online presence and grow their business online. Contact us today to learn more about how we can revolutionize your business’s online presence. 

