James Butschie

Mobile-First Indexing and Zero Click Searches: Implications for SEO

In the past few years, the digital landscape has undergone a pivotal shift. As searches are no longer confined to a desktop and almost everybody carries a smartphone in their pockets, the internet has become accessible at any time from … Continue reading

Aaron Peterson
Google’s 2024 Q3 Betas: An Overview of Ground-Breaking AI PPC Tools

2024 has been a significant year in terms of technology rollouts for Google. Starting with the introduction of AI search back in May, the tech giant continued to roll out new technologies, this time within their paid advertising platforms. Google’s … Continue reading

Aaron Peterson
Technical SEO: Development Efforts to Rank Your Site

In the world of SEO, marketers often get hyper-focused on font-end, on-page components of a website. Though factors like keyword relevancy, engaging headlines, and sufficient content all play vital factors in a search engine’s ability to amplify your website, businesses … Continue reading

James Butschie
The Importance of Content-Freshness in SEO

Maintaining a website is a very hands on process, at the surface level it may seem like all you need to do is upload content to your webpage and let the internet take care of the rest. However, if you … Continue reading

James Butschie
Google’s Dominance Declared Illegal: Overview and SEO Implications

Earlier this week, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta found Google guilty of violating U.S. antitrust laws, ruling that Google had been illegally acting to maintain its monopoly in the online search market. This historic verdict has the potential to significantly … Continue reading