
Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

When it comes to online marketing, there’s a lot of companies out there who talk big but can’t deliver on what they promise. Not us. View our online marketing portfolio to see just a few results we’ve achieved for our clients through various online marketing activities and see for yourself that we’re all about results.

Brendan Egan
Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

Case Study | 100% Of Keywords On Page 1 In Under 1 Year

A 33% batting average is enough to get you into the baseball hall of fame.  Heck, Babe Ruth batted a .342 career average and is one of the most recognized names in sports.  In the world of SEO, ranking 50-60% … Continue reading

Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

Case Study | #1 SEO Ranking For Florida’s Largest Air Conditioning Company

When you think of summertime in Miami, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s hot, humid weather. As such, with a booming population and steamy weather, South Florida is the largest air conditioning installation and repair … Continue reading

Brendan Egan
Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

LinkedIn Case Study – 2x Increase In Leads At 50% Of The Cost

To protect the privacy of our client and their business, any identifying information has been removed from this case study. We value the privacy of our clients and extend this same courtesy to all our clients. In mid 2019, we … Continue reading

Brendan Egan
Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

2,000% Increase In Organic Traffic – 700% Increase In Leads

To protect the privacy of our client and their business, any identifying information has been removed from this case study. We value the privacy of our clients and extend this same courtesy to all our clients. In early 2017, we … Continue reading

Brendan Egan
Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

600+% Increase In Organic Traffic

To protect the privacy of our client and their business, any identifying information has been removed from this case study. We value the privacy of our clients and extend this same courtesy to all our clients. In October 2014, we … Continue reading

Brendan Egan
Online Marketing Projects & Case Studies

Local SEO Campaign Case Study

To protect the privacy of our client and their business, any identifying information has been removed from this case study. In April 2013, we started working with a local business here in Chicago who had virtually no online presence aside … Continue reading

