
Having A Future Proof SEO Campaign

Brendan Egan

Having A Future Proof SEO Campaign

I don’t want to go all Jetsons on you, but it’s important to prepare for the future.  Things are changing on a daily basis — who knows maybe next year at this time we’ll all have a personal robot butler?  Not likely, but one thing that I know is likely to change by next year is Google’s algorithm.  In fact, they make over 500 algorithm changes every single year, which effects what metrics are important to rank on top of search engines.
Some lower quality SEO firms know what to do today to get rankings, which is great, but as soon as Google makes a change they are scurrying to find the next new way to game the search engines.  I personally don’t believe in that as I think it’s more important to build sustainable results, which is why we take precautions to future proof your SEO campaign.
We don’t know what Google is going to change next year, in 2014, or beyond, and quite frankly Google doesn’t know yet either, so there’s no way we can guarantee a 100% future proof campaign.  But what we can say is that content will remain important for years to come, and we base all our SEO campaigns around quality content.  Whether it’s through distributing quality articles, guest postings, or just publishing good articles on your blog, as long as you stick with quality content you’ll be able to future proof your SEO campaign.
We also believe in diversity. Today one type of link might work well, but who’s to say that next week Google might not want to see more of another type?  It’s important to build a natural, diverse profile of links to rank well and protect your website from future algorithm changes.  That’s why we always build diverse links from various sources to create a 100% natural linking profile.
On top of this, we also try to integrate social sites into our SEO campaigns and encourage you to also utilize social sites such as Google Plus, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc.  as these are likely going to play a larger role in search rankings in the future.
The bottom line is that while no one knows what changes will take place down the road, we do know how important it is to follow some simple precautions to make sure your campaign is future proof.  And we always take those precautions here at Simple SEO Group to work for long term ranking for your website.

