
Case Study | #1 SEO Ranking For Florida’s Largest Air Conditioning Company

Case Study | #1 SEO Ranking For Florida’s Largest Air Conditioning Company

When you think of summertime in Miami, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s hot, humid weather. As such, with a booming population and steamy weather, South Florida is the largest air conditioning installation and repair market in the United States (and quite possibly one of the largest in the world).

When we were approached by one of the largest air conditioning companies in Florida and asked to rank them #1 in the Miami AC repair market, we knew we had our work cut out for us.

The Problem

The problem our client was trying to solve was quite simple on the surface – rank #1 in the most competitive AC repair market in the country. However the logistics of getting to #1 for a term this competitive were anything but simple. There’s few SEO companies that can truly take on this challenge with a straight face and assure they have the experience and strategy to get to #1.

After years and years of spending significant money on Google Ads, our client wanted a more sustainable, diverse and higher ROI solution to driving new business online. While this one specific keyword – Miami AC Repair – was the crown jewel of the campaign, we knew there were hundreds of other terms we also had to rank for to deliver a successful campaign and strong ROI.

With the task in hand, our team was ready to get to work!

The Solution

In 2021, we started from the foundation up and created a brand-new website for our client. Starting with a fresh design, fresh coding and fresh content ensured our team knew exactly what we were trying to rank while also ensuring everything was built 100% right from the ground up.

With the new website in hand, we embarked on an aggressive SEO campaign centered around proper on-site optimization and site structure, an aggressive off-site link building campaign, consistent on and off site content creation and our newly built proprietary SEO AI to help give us that extra boost to get to the top.

Our SEO AI had just launched around the time we onboarded this client, and we were excited to put it to the test in the real world. As far as we know, we’re the only SEO agency that has built a proprietary AI algorithm, not to carry out our SEO work, but to guide us in exactly what needs to be done by our team of experts to get a client to the #1 spot. We’ve sifted through the over 200 different ranking factors that Google looks at and programmed our AI to help us on a client by client basis identify exactly which factors are most important for a given keyword and create just the right recipe to get us to the top spot.

In fact to date, our AI has helped us rank 100% of our clients on page 1 and many of them #1 even for the most competitive keywords in the world.

The Progress

SEO doesn’t happen overnight. Launching this campaign in January 2022, our client had very few organic SEO rankings and even less traffic. We started out with just 4 keywords ranking on page 1 of Google. Through exhaustive keyword research, we identified over 175 keywords which accounted for over 915,000 searches per month and got to work.

Like any campaign, results were slow the first few months, but approximately 6 months in we had nearly 35% of our keywords on page 1 and significant progress to share with our client. Fast forward to 2024 and we had over 90% of our keywords ranking on page 1 and the majority of them in the top 3 spots. These kind of results in a market this competitive are almost unheard of in the SEO world.

Ranking for Miami AC Repair followed a similar trajectory as our other keywords even though it is highly competitive. We very quickly got this keyword to the 5th page of Google, and steadily climbed up from there. Just 7 months into the campaign, we had this highly competitive keyword on the first page of Google, and just 15 months into the campaign we were #1. Aside from some very minor fluctuations between the #1 and #2 spot, we maintained this top spot to this day.

The Results

Our client saw an over 8,000% increase in organic traffic during the campaign and a significant increase in lead generation as a result of targeting so many high competition, high volume keywords.

This campaign is a classic example of what can happen when you have a client willing to adopt change starting with a new website and the patience to wait 12-15 months for very solid SEO results. Coupled with our AI driven strategy and countless hours of hard SEO work, we delivered a highly successful campaign that left our client thrilled with the results.

Key Takeaways

Ranking in one of the most competitive industries and markets isn’t easy. We constantly help our clients solve their SEO challenges and get results online, whether it’s an easy, non-competitive market or the most competitive terms on the internet. We have the experience and tools to take on any challenge and deliver the results you deserve.

Our approach to SEO is results-orientated and focused on driving meaningful rankings, traffic and revenue for your business. We don’t believe in fluffy reports and metrics that don’t matter, nor will we rank you for keywords that have no traffic just to show you progress. For the past 15+ years, we’ve developed a reputation for going after hard keywords and getting results, which is exactly what we did as we climbed the ranks for our client to rank #1 for Miami AC Repair and hundreds of other terms.

If you’re interested in seeing what a properly structured SEO campaign can do for your business, we’d love to chat! Click here to request a complimentary consultation to learn more about how you can grow your business online through SEO.

