The yellow pages used to be the number one place for businesses to advertise. There’s a good reason behind this. Do you know what it is?
Let’s first step back and think about some other forms of advertising. Direct mail, cold calling, telemarketing, billboards, radio ads, TV ads, banner ads, yelling from the rooftop of your building to spend money with your company. Do you know what all of these advertising means have in common? There’s one thing. They’re all intrusive. All these advertising methods are prying their way into the life of an average human being, and the fact of the matter is there’s a good chance that 90% or more of the people you reach out to might not be looking for your product or service. That’s why the return on these types of marketing investments is much lower.
Now, don’t ask me who, but some geniuses thought years ago of putting together the yellow pages–a place for people to go to search for a business when they actually need it. So what does that mean? Chances are if you are a plumber in Juno, Alaska and you have a half page ad in the yellow pages in the plumbing section, 90% of the people who are looking for a plumber might call you. You are targeting your potential customer at the exact time that they need your service and are ready to spend money.
Fast forward into the digital millennium and search engines enter the spotlight. The yellow pages are a thing of the past, today people searching for a product or service are jumping on the internet and searching for exactly what they’re looking for. So since you can’t buy a half page ad on a search engine, the best alternative is to get your website ranked on the first page of results, and ideally as close to the number 1 position as possible. But this isn’t as easy as writing a check and designing an ad for the yellow pages. Getting to the top of search results requires specific knowledge of how search engines work and how you can optimize your company’s website to get it ranked at the top.
Enter Simple SEO Group. What’s the first word in our company’s name? That’s right, SEO can be simple because we take ALL the work off your shoulders and put it on the shoulders of our dedicated SEO specialists. Currently our team has years and years of experience in SEO and has ranked websites ranging from general contractors to financial consultants, from landscapers to marketing agencies.
So the choice is entirely yours. Continue throwing money into the intrusive marketing means, or decide to make a smart marketing decision and target your potential customers when they are ready to utilize your products or services. To me, even before I became involved in SEO, the answer to that question is a no brainer.