
Search Engine Honeymoon Period

Brendan Egan

Search Engine Honeymoon Period

The honeymoon period. That special time between newlyweds being madly in love and wanting to kill each other. For some, the honeymoon period is the best period of their marriage–they are happy, newly married, and off on their honeymoon vacation. This truly is a golden time.
When it comes to search engines, the honeymoon period is a golden time as well. New sites and new pages on existing sites very often rank extremely high in search engine results on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These sites and pages often outrank other sources that have been established for years. Search engines do this for two reasons: Because they love fresh, new content so they rank them quite high and because search engines give your site the benefit of the doubt and likely monitor your click through rate and bounce rate when ranked high.
But all good things must come to an end, and usually a few weeks or a few months after your site is ranked on top of search results it starts to fall into its natural ranking. So while your site may have initially been ranked on page 1, more times than not it will fall to page 2, 3, 4, or even beyond. This is as if your site was on a huge billboard on a major interstate and then got moved onto a billboard on a side street in the middle of nowhere.
Not to worry–there are certainly things you can do about this drop in rankings. Most new site owners often bypass SEO because they are already experiencing high rankings and are on top of the world, but once the honeymoon period is over they will be in need of real help for getting their site ranked. Simple SEO Group and our small business SEO services are just the key. We’re dedicated to helping our small business clients getting their websites ranked on top of search results and we can do it for your site, too.
If you’ve experienced the “Google Honeymoon Period” and you want to get your site ranked back on top, fill out the free SEO analysis and consultation request directly to the right and one of our small business SEO specialists will contact you to schedule a consultation and explain what we can do to help!

